domingo, 18 de julio de 2010

Cooooca cola fanta agua cerveza cold beer?

If I were to make the soundtrack of Barcelona's beach it would go a little something like this.

Track one - The screaming baby
Track two - The Moroccans incessantly walking up and down the beach with coolers screaming "cooooca cola, fanta, agua, cerveza, cold beer?". It starts as a song, morphs into a chant and ends as a question.
Track three - The Chinese women walking around saying "Hola, mesaje! massage? Muy bueno message."
Track four - "Hola, vestido? Vestido."
Track five - Screaming, splashing child
Track six - Tracks 1-5 mixed together in a beat I like to call "you will not rest on the beach."

More or less, the beach is a playground for Moroccans and Chinese women to make a quick buck. They walk up right up to the edge of your towel, kick sand in your face, then scream whatever chant they've created for their product. After you say no, you have peace for approximately 2 minutes and 45 seconds; and then they return.

Each product has it's own tune, and EVERYONE selling that product uses the same melody. For example, three, yes three, men were surrounding my towel trying to sell cold drinks and at the same time, in the same melody, they sparked rage inside my head I didn't know existed with their ridiculous persistence of "Coooooca cola, fanta, agua, cerveza, cold beer?"

The other day, I was dying of thirst. I caved and asked one of the guys how much for a water. Scott shook his head and said, "You're just supporting the cause." The guy looked at me and said, "Uno cincuenta." One fifty for a water, not bad. I look in my purse. I only have 1.30. I tell him I only have 1.30. He shrugged and said okay. I bet I could have gotten him down to a dollar if I wanted to.

You can get anything you want sitting on your towel. Cold drinks, massages, lottery tickets, coconuts, dresses, hena tattoos, they're all accessible without even standing up. What's the one thing you can't get? Peace and quiet.

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