sábado, 3 de julio de 2010

Man Purses? I'll go with it...

After a relatively easy flight from JFK, Scott and I find ourselves twiddling our thumbs here in the Valencia Airport. We have a 4 hour lay-over... for a 40 minute flight. Oof.

Our exhaustion has put us in an even sillier mood than usual; and the people watching becomes hilarious. We haven't been in Spain in a few years, but the memories come rushing back as we look at the bad hair, worse clothes and the newest addition to horrific fashion choices... the male purse. Yes. All the men here are wearing purses. At first I thought it was a fluke; two separate men wearing very feminine bags across their shoulders. But as the time ticked passed, we realized it was the NORM. We have been keeping count. 8 so far. I have money on the fact that Scott will return with one...

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