miércoles, 7 de julio de 2010

¡Holy Sh!t!

I'm anxiously waiting for 7:30 to roll around so Scott, Valentina, Laura and I can head to the bar to watch the game. I have an hour to wait and I can't shower because the cleaning lady is working on the bathroom so I thought I'd share the highlight of the day... when everyone got pooped on.

It's another flawless day in Barcelona. 90 degrees and sunny, not a cloud in the sky. After the four hours in class, we all decided to head to Plaza Catalunya and eat lunch outside. We stopped at the local market, bought some lunch and headed out to spend the next hour and 1/2 in the sun. Plaza Catalunya is known for its excessive amount of pigeons and today was no exception. "Please take a picture of me feeding the pigeons!" I begged Scott. He was hesitant, "They freak me out."
"After lunch?!" I continued.

Valentina, Laura, Scott, Siobhan and I sat on a bench and had lunch. When it was time to go back I reminded Scott of our agreement, "You promised!"

Reluctantly, he took my newly purchased camera and stood apart from the swarm as I threw crackers at the animals. Valentina and Laura stood with him, amazed at how easily I was entertained. "Okay!" Scott said, "That's enough, it's getting gross." He was right. They were flying up and around us and it was straight out of a Hitchcock film. "Fiiiine..." Scott and I haven't seen each other in quite some time, but it's amazing how we always fall back into the routine of an almost father-daughter relationship.

I was watching the birds, walking toward Scott and the girls when I heard it. I immediately went into a panic. The scream sounded as if a mother had lost her baby, or a woman's purse was just snatched. It took me a second to register that "woman's" scream came from Scott, and as soon as my eyes found him, they watched as my camera flew into the air, hit the stone ground and bounced along the surface twice. I looked back to Scott, horrified as to why he would throw my camera. He was waving his hand around as if it were on fire! Laura was spinning in circles trying to see if "it" was on her back. "Did it get me? I think it's on my back!" Valentina was laughing while trying to stop Laura to see her back. "Yea, it got you," Valentina said in her Italian accent.

"What happened?!" I asked, but before Scott answered, I saw it. Scott's hand was covered in bird poop. "You got POOPED ON?!" I was laughing so hard I barely got it out. "Me too..." said Laura. Valentina was furiously rubbing a towelette on the back of Laura's shirt. (see picture) "Oh no!" I said, while checking myself to make sure I wasn't hit. Just about as Valentina had fixed Laura, she put her hand down to her purse and directly into a spot of poop that hit her purse, "OH GOD!, it hit me too!" I was laughing so hard while watching Scott angrily pour water all over his hands I didn't even have time to digest Valentina's poor luck.

I was doubled over from laughter which just pissed Scott off more, "YOU were the only one who wanted to see the birds and you are the only one who didn't get pooped on!" Between laughs I said, "I'm not laughing at that! I'm laughing at your scream! It was like a little girl!" Valentina burst into laughter. Oddly enough, her Italian accent has a hint of an Irish brogue. Laughing, she added, "I didn't realize it was you screaming!," which in turned fueled my fit of laughter.

I was laughing so hard Scott threatened to touch me with his poop-hand if I didn't stop. In fact, he chased me up the school steps with his out-stretched poop-hand. It didn't help, it just made me laugh harder. We were all laughing, but they all assured me that Karma was coming for me.

We're off to the game now - I hope you all keep your fingers crossed for Spain. We're going to this Irish place called Flagherty's. Valentina has a love for all things Irish. Her face lit up when we mentioned it. Hopefully Karma won't come at the bar... I'd hate to get pooped on by a drunk Irishman...

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