sábado, 17 de julio de 2010


On Thursday night, the night before our class from hell was to end, we all decided to meet up to see the fountainin the center of Barcelona (the one that dances to music), and maybe have adrink or two. We had an entire day of class so it was time to do something fun.

The fountain was a bore. It was nothing you couldn't see in Disney World or anywhere else. I actually think the snowflakes in Rockerfeller are more entertaining. Scott enjoyed it - I was being a little bit of a negative Nancy. Valentina thought it
was the most dreadful thing she'd ever seen so at le
ast someone was on board with me!

We left the fountain and headed out to find a bar. It was me, Scott, Valentina, Laura and Pierre, Laura's friend from... wherever they speak Danish. Pierre is too difficult for us to say so Scott and I just call him "The Great Dane". We were on a tight schedule due to the metro closing earlier during the week, so we sucked it up and went to the nearest bar on Las Ramblas. This is the most expensive,
touristy and downright awful section of Barcelona
but Sangria is Sangria, right? False. We had two of the most disgusting jars of Sangria I've ever tasted in my life! And they were so expensive! But it didn't matter, that night was one of the funniest nights I've ever had. When I got home, my stomach hurt from laughing so hard. Everything we talked about turned into a series of stories or experiences that had us all dying laughing. It was really amazing that 4 people from so far away could be randomly placed in this class together for these two weeks and have the exact same
sense of humour. It was a great night!

We took the late bus home, walked Valentina to her neighbourhood and Scott and I carried on to our respective homes. We walked through a really cool section of
Barcelona with tiny streets and bars. We found a child's big wheel car and tried to get it to work but I wound up ripping the handle bars off it. Scott insisted he could fix it based solely on the fact that he has nieces and nephews. I got
home and passed out - we had class the next day! THE LAST DAY OF THAT HORRIBLE CLASS!

We all felt pretty lousy at class the next day. I showed up 15 minutes late, Valentina was late too. Her boyfriend was coming in that day so she could barely be bothered with class. It was an observational day, so we were sent to observe other Spanish classes and classify the techniques the teacher used and why she used them and blah blah blah. All I know is, at noon we were almost done. We met to talk about wh
at we saw and Jaume, our teacher, walks in with two bottles
of champagne to celebrate our 70 hours of course work finished! We were all hungover from the night before but it turned out, champagne was exactly what we needed!

After class, I immediately felt like I was a bird let out of a cage. I went to the beach and hung out there for a few hours with Laura and The Great Dane. Scott and I trekked it up to Parc Güell, the park designed by Antoni Gaudí. It's absolutely
incredible. The buildings are awesome and the view is even more amazing. It is definitely a work out to get to the top but absolutely worth it.
Scott and I treated ourselves to ice cream and then
headed back for dinner.

Last night, I met up with my friend Daniel for a drink at a bar before I was to meet Valentina and crew out in town. Daniel is from Canada. He's extremely outgoing and friendly. We got to the bar and ordered beers by the bucket. I had to meet up with everyone in a little bit so I drank as quickly as I could and took off. Valentina
said she would come out for ONE drink since Fabio was in town. Fabio only speaks Italian so our table was speaking Spanish, English and Italian. Somehow we got everything across to each other. It was Laura's last night in town so we had a reason to celebrate. 6 jars of Sangria later, we decided to call it a night. Not without hugs and kisses with Laura. :(

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